Tuesday, February 3, 2009


From the beta boards:

Heres a list of stuff for you guys that are unrelated to the obvious new cards included in Conflux.

1. Updated Add Land Dialog box. Now the dialog box has spinners that allow you to modify the number of lands added to the deck before you actually add them. You can double click the land card to increment the counter, press the arrows up/down to change them and you can click and "drag" the spinner buttons up/down to quickly change the numbers.

This dialog also has a "Suggest Land" button that quickly analyzes your deck and suggests a basic land configuration that might work for you.

2. Certain cards with un-undoable behaviors now have a forced confirmation. The confirmation is just popping up the context menu that you would normally get from right clicking on it. For example, when you have a Street Wraith in your hand, left clicking on it will no longer auto cycle it when that is the only action associated with the card. It will pop up the context menu as if you right clicked on it.

3. Some improvements to the popout graveyard, library and RFG boxes were made. The graveyard now sorts into columns, similar to how the library works. This makes it easier to look at all the cards at once at a reasonable size.
The library will sort cards by the number of actions associated with the card. So when you cast Worldly Tutor, it will sort it in such a way that all cards that you "don't care about" are arranged to the left, all the creatures are sorted towards the right, and your Panglacial Wurm is sorted at the very bottom right, since it has its two actions of play and fetch.
Your RFG box will take the combination of both of these, now organized in columns and with actions being pulled out. This will make it much easier to find your Rift Bolts pop off suspend, and makes Greater Gargadon easy to feed.

4. You can now search for casting cost in the collection/deck editor search box. Accepts the [sR] or R for red mana symbols.

5. Reworking on how cards are highlighted while targeting. It works in a more consistent manner to how the rest of the game is. Also added a context menu of "Target This" to keep it consistent. This a pretty subtle change.

6. Fixed an issue with ghost target cards remaining attached to cards in certain situations, also fixed an issue where only one of these target ghost card images was created for multiple targets.

7. Card linking in the chat log now works. Yes, this is back. You can click on card names in the chat log and that will put them in the Big Card area. If you are using compact mode, it should undock the Card from your dock and change that. Users can also create their own links by using the format {Cardname}, {Cardname:SET}. so you can type {Shock} to get Shock, should be the most recent printing. {Shock:ONS} will get the Onslaught version, etc. How do I link the foil? Put an * anywhere in that string, {*Shock:ONS}, {SHO*CK} or {sHocK:Te*} will all work.

8. Deck editor no longer clears itself when you log into the game.

9. Updated the New Game / Load Deck interface to make finding a deck to play easier. Basicly, the Load Deck dialog can now filter decks by format. Basicly, if I am creating a new game and I select Standard from the dropdown, then load a deck, you will see that there is a similar dropdown in the Load deck dialog. You will also see a bunch of decks. All these decks are standard legal. If you change the dropdown to Extended, you will see Extended legal decks. Amazing. It will also change the format on the parent dialog window automaticly so you don't have to.
There is a performance hit initially to this filtering, as it takes time to load these decks and do the validation, but it's smart enough to not rerun and validations on a deck that it already knows about. After the first time filtering a folder of decks for standard, it should "know" that all these are standard legal or not and won't have to recheck the decks again until either standard changes or the decks change.

10. Net decks list box now mirrors the behavors of the Local Deck listbox. This is pretty subtle also, but you may have noticed that the Local Deck listbox in the Load Deck dialog will remember what deck you were selecting between games. The netdeck dialog now does the same.

11. Auto-Matching when creating casual games. You can now select "Auto-Match" and the client will attempt to join a game that is waiting for players that exactly matches the settings you have selected. There is a potential sitaution where two players can attempt to be automatched to the same game.

12. Draft recorder now saves to %MYDOCUMENTS%\Games\Magic The Gathering Online\Drafts\

13. Fixed a bunch of bugs in trading, notable ones are desynchronization issues when you remove cards from the You Get window during an active trade and an issue where the amount you have for trade on the client and the amount you have for trade saved to the server are out of sync untill you restart your client.

14. Added more context menus to the collection scene, both the Art View and the Spreadsheet View, to allow users more control of how many cards that they are setting to tradable. Should make setting For Trade values on digital objects to what you want take much fewer clicks.

15. Added context menus to the Active Trade scene to allow users to get cards from their trade partner in larger quantities, allowing you to get what you want in many fewer clicks. I believe that you can Get 1/2/3/4/10/32.

16. You can now import a CSV file as trade data from the collection scene. Its in the same location as current Export CSV in the collection scene, you can import a csv in the format of [ Card Name,SET,Foilness (y, yes, 1),Quantity ]. Keep in mind this is a Coma Separated Value (CSV) file, so you if you want to put an akroma in, your file would read as [ "Akroma, Angel of Fury", PLC, yes, 12 ]. Also works with booster packs/tickets/etc, ex [ Event Ticket,,,100 ] where set and foilness have no meaning and should be left blank.

17. Promo cards defined as prerelease cards now have a yellow Date Stamp tattooed on them, similar to real cards.

18. Theres another features that I am not 100% sure is in the current build, so I'll just tease it here. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Untap. Untap. Untap. Tap. Tap. Play Bant Charm. Tap. Tap. Tap......

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that last teaser is killing me! I can't figure it out! And the Beta keeps giving me an unrecoverable error!
